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Update: On Politics

The Jordan Times, June 3rd 2007, Commentary Page

„While it could not be proved or said that Israeli operatives played a direct role in the September 11 murderous suicide hijackings that resulted in the death of nearly 3.000 people in the US, strong evidence has emerged that Mossad had penetrated the group which carried out the attacks and provided vital assistance to facilitate the operation. That should explain why the US air defence failed to respond immediately to the hijackings and the entire anti-hijack operational network of the US failed to mobilise itself and take countermeasures.“

Also nochmal: Drei Tage vorher hiess es, die US hätten einen gerechten Rüffel für ihre militärisch-industriellen Komplex-Operationen bekommen und heute steckt der Mossad dahinter? Na, was denn nun?

Nicht, dass solche Verschwörungstheorien neu wären, aber während sie in Europa nur in obskuren Tagebüchern erscheinen, schreiben noch heute britische „Intellektuelle“ frank und frei in der Jordan Times darüber …

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